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Viruses have always been with us, they always will be.
Dangerous and economically disruptive viruses have been with us a long time and there is no reason to suppose they will not continue to cause havoc far into the future. Just take the last two decades as a snapshot. This pandemic was inevitable and there is no excuse for planning to have been almost entirely absent. 2002: Between November 2002 and July 2003, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) spread rapidly from China to 37 other countries around the world, causing 775 human deaths with an economic loss of $40 billion. 2009 Early 2009, a new strain of H1N1 of porcine...
Norovirus infections as lockdown finishes
Our response to the Sky News article on hand sanitiser
This morning Sky News published a scathing article about the government's guidance on alcohol-free hand sanitiser. While we welcome them bringing alcohol-free hand sanitiser to the public's attention they have sadly chosen a narrative of "government advice puts children at risk" while neglecting to include any scientific evidence; no studies were cited and the wording they used was designed to be vague and scary. Even the original title (which has since been changed) used the term "watered down" when referring to the advice because "watered down" and "hand sanitiser" will catch more eyes and therefore clicks (and in the world of online news more...